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Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Play Harp, But I'm Not A Harp Player

It's not that I don't aspire, one day, to be a harp player. I do. But I'm not there yet. Not even close. And I have no idea when I'll be comfortable enough with my level of proficiency to allow myself to be referred to as a harp player. I've been surfing for 5 years. I have a working knowledge of tides, rips, onshore/offshore flow, swell direction, period and bathymetry as they pertain to my favorite spots. I can paddle for hours, catch, ride and maneuver on waves from knee high to slightly overhead and I can get through a significant hold-down without panicking. If, however, you said to me "Redondo buoy is 4 ft. @ 14 seconds from the SSW", I wouldn't be able to effectively use that information. It's just one of myriad things that real surfers understand like we understand "partly cloudy and 65".

It's the same with harp. I can play some riffs, achieve bends that I'm not ashamed of and split a few octaves. The other day I filled 12 bars in the middle of "I'm Ready" with a solo that seemd to make musical sense and had decent tone. But I have a very narrow understanding of musical progression and structure and I can't play without consciously thinking about what comes next.

I surf and I play harp. But I'm not a surfer or a harp player. I have too much respect for those who have put in the years of effort required to become proficient at these disciplines to appropriate either title for myself. Yet.


Jay said...

you can surf and play harp...
thats pretty much a fulfilled life!

of course, all you have to do now is sky dive!


Orwell59 said...

My wife would disagree with you. And the skydidving will have to wait for my next life. The one where I'm not afarid of heights.

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