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Monday, October 29, 2007

Jam Camp: The Movie

One of the guys at Jam Camp had the foresight (along with the technical skills and possibly a slight sadistic streak) to record the Sunday Jam. If you've read the previous post you know what occurred at said event. At least you know my interpretation of the event based on the memory fragments available to me. People think that poor recall is both a blessing and a curse. But it's almost always a blessing. In this case I'd convinced myself that the high points of my "performance" were fact and that everything else (staring at the mic in rapt horror while the band played on) was a trick of a spradically paranoid imagination accentuated by a temporary inability to sense the passage of time. Well, shortly after my wife and I sat down to watch the show on our new big screen, HiDef TV I was disabused of this very comforting mental construct. It all happened exactly the way that I remembered it!

This lead me to several questions. What on God's Green Earth possessed this person to record the event in the first place? Why did he offer to provide free copies to all involved? (If he'd charged even a token amount to cover shipping I may have been able to convince the wife that it wasn't worth it). How did he get my email address? Why did I tell my wife about his offer? Why did he use a "nose xpander lense" on my part, but a regular lense for everyone else's? As with most of life's really important questions I fear none of these will ever be properly addressed or adequately answered.

And where does that leave me? With a durable document to my ineptitude as a wannabe musician that will surely be played for all of my friends and realitives repeatedly until the day I die. And if my brother has any say, at my funeral too. Or maybe it's just a snapshot of a guy who's trying, finally in middle age, to grow. A guy who's pushing himself to do those things that make him most uncomfortable and is exulting in the successes and swallowing the failures and moving forward. And maybe if you try there's really no way that you can fail. Yeah, we'll go with that.

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