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Monday, September 29, 2008

Anybody Here Packin' Heat?

I've been reading Moanin' At Midnight, the biography of Howlin' Wolf. I'll probably write a short review when I've finished but this couldn't wait. One of Wolf's drummers, the legendary Sam Lay (who quit Wolf to join Paul Butterfield) packed a piece at gigs for a short time in 1961 to ward off jealous boyfriends and husbands of the wimmins that members of the band were defiling. Well, during a show in Chicago Lay, in the midst of a frenetic percussive outburst, inadvertently shot off one of his testicles. Unless he had the Roscoe jammed into the elastic band of his Fruit-of-the-Looms I'm not sure how this could happen. And this coming over 100 years after Jedediah Holster invented the carrying device that saved thousands of cowboys from blasting their packages off whilst roaming the range. Anyway, I haven't done the research but I feel confident declaring that Sam Lay is the only musician to ever shoot his junk off while performing.

Addendum: I've confirmed that this incident took place in 1966 and not 1961 as implied in the book (or as improperly inferred by me). Also, someone who claims to know Lay says that he (Lay) denies blowing off a rock. He says that the bullet hit him in the thigh. Without medical records or visual evidence to the contrary I will assume that the authors and editors vetted this piece of information before publication.

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