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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Horse Latitudes, Or Hitting The Harp Wall

Horse Latitudes - The subtropical latitudes between 30 and 35 degrees both north and south. Under a ridge of high pressure, the region is infamous for muggy heat, rolling waves and often, no wind. Many sailing vessels were stranded in these regions for weeks because of lack of propulsion. Named for ancient Persian navigator Sataspes who mapped the regions and whose name is translated as "horse". Or, much more lyrical, gruesome and to the point: The region where sailing crews were forced to dump horses and livestock in the ocean in order to reduce weight and increase speed. Also referred to as the "doldrums".
And that's where I find myself today. No motivation or momentum. A feeling of general malaise or ennui most often associated with those in western cultures who are generations removed from having to worry about ordinary subsistence and use 99% of their energy contemplating their entertainment options. Basically I'm feeling sorry for myself for some undefined reason. In situations such as this I've found it's imperative to either focus on something other than yourself in order to break free of the narcissistic cycle or to watch several John Wayne flicks in succession. Guess I'm off to Blockbuster.

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